In the last year, BTAS has won several contracts – continuing relationships with current customers and extending BTAS’ customer base and capabilities well beyond the Air Force.
Security: Our Security department has developed several sources for employee reporting techniques and Security Briefings:
Did you know that employees can check on the status of their security clearances through a dashboard accessible from the BTAS Bridge. BTAS has developed a visual display to provide an instant overview of the process to establish and maintain security clearances for the Government,
Employees and BTAS Security!
Information Technology (IT) Services: BTAS has successfully transitioned to MS Office 365 and has converted from Business Skype to MS Teams! Teams is our preferred method of digitally collaborating!
The NIST 800-171 and the Cyber Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is ongoing that will meet future contract requirements.
A System Security Plan (SSP) was developed and incorporated into our ISO 9001:2015 program.
Three Years ISO 9001:2015 Certified:
This year, BTAS celebrates 11 years of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) qualification to the 9001 standards. Three years ago, BTAS certified at the newest 9001:2015 standard. Currently, BTAS has an internal audit staff of seven who are all certified to the 9001:2015 standard.